~ Welcome ~

Words ~
The immortality of silent thoughts ~
Can they capture the essence of truth...
Or mere attempts of engraving life ~

Here I come as the dreamer
wakes to a world of unknown shore
like the sand
in between fingers of drifting sea
I wait for the call to bring those words

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

: Tears of time :

you have remain my most playful friends among life

It's of most importance we learn we don't know who we are..
For our long journey ahead.. to the silent past of the Universe

May I be a habitual commando in my language tempos..
while my heart is a small petal.. floating through river Nile..

May I dive the depth of that blue.. shimmering far Ocean in sky..
with one story that speak through the graves of many civilizations

May we feel you come home to us.. Our creator.. that loves so much..

The space that came through is dripping Gold
Lives of every existing colour is singing a love song

When our sky is at once cloudless across deep marine
The old city where we lived.. perhaps shall resurface

Do you remember our hearts spoke as our eyes engaged..
where our temples dance and glide to magnetism of silence

The days languages were never boundaries..
just melodies and tussles that spill moving colours

The nights our hearts whimpering between longings of bliss..
more than fluctuating.. between sharp thorns of underworlds

Those memories have come and haunt me once again, even more..
Like all dreams, dare not to utter in.. as shattering screech of time..

Those memories have come and haunt me once again, even more..
Like all dreams, dare not to utter in.. to shattering screech of time..

As and to.. see the small differences.. that drew our hearts apart.

If time ever sleeps.. we shall enter our truth again, mutely merged..

                                            ~ Lyric Dreamer ~ 10.04.2012 13:33 ~

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