The nature of nature is love uninhibited, when one is unaccustomed to limitations.. one connects and unites invisible elemental properties.
Every natural being is an composition of elemental properties. All living beings carry life of God. However we classify self and each other.
In self consciousness, we experience limitation or freedom we amplifier in our connections with happening world. Love, is all consciousness.
When we constantly remind ourselves our ego IDs, we become expressions of what those ID represent.. rather the elementals we naturally are.
In nature of consciousness.. energies flow as trusting love instead of boxed thought forms and beliefs can creates tension as self limits.
This is how we always echo with each other's energy vibrations. The words, music, art and professions are all waves of our vibratory forces.
If in any situation we allow our natural properties boxed in set belief& thoughts.. our access of our natural elements can become distorted.
This is why we always feel more ourselves around some people who are highly in touch with their fluent nature, even they may speak not much.
Because those who allow all energies of earth& love flowing through their whole being, are illuminating, live vassals of healing properties.
We are living components of life forces. if we live life as if walking programed dead corpses, through our days. We feel we become like one.
The nature of our living cells are to reintegrate and regenerate intelligence in environments that are charged in dominant elements of love.
Our elemental particles interact with another even Oceans and miles apart.. Simply with channels of serene purity ~ Love.. This, is miracle.
The only access we need is pure love consciousness, which activate as the hyphened stage in connecting to all living beings in our universe.
By opening each channels of love one by one, we become more connected with all beings with same frequencies of purity.. Embody love, as one.
By continuously relinquish the old limits proposed by our ego IDs.. we become more and more free to expand our hearts together, as one love.
Quite simply taking each of our roles in mind, body, heart and soul as representations of Earth embodiment. Atone heal as one consciousness.
This is purely participated with faith and free will. Not one feels obliged in anyway, to contribute oneself as this vassal of God and love.
In this consciousness, identity is automatically blurred into elemental energies embodying an aid to heart of earth with love consciousness.
It's not a cult, it's not a religion. It is a live consciousness with our own voluntary service, participations as vassals of love on earth.
In sharing God's will to love, each of us are equal and self reliant. Each of our work are to be co-teacher/students as messengers of heart.
In this love consciousness, we elaborate on the natural wealth and beauty of earth. Behold true affluences of heart as our only way forward.
There's nothing to fight against nor organizations or founding involved. It is a service of hearts to love with undiminishable faith as One.
from all embracing arms of creator.. Who sent love out through heart waves we each carry.. ripple outwards to every living truth on earth..
We are in time of great changes. Each of us can hear his messages through our own heart. We have no time for self doubts, no time for fears.
Each of us are his voices. No matter what culture, race, gender, nation.or religion. All we need to do is waking God's love, centers within.
Each of us flow high vibratory frequencies of love and hope to another in continuously trusting.. in discarding any belief of lack or limit.
We are all natural healers, we are all flowing data of intelligence and wisdom. No courses or religions needed for our qualification as love
We are all equal, not insignificantly equal.. Divinely equal. It's everyone's true identity. It isn't a secret.. It is truth. Tell Everyone.
Thursday, 29 December 2011 at 04:04
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