~ Welcome ~

Words ~
The immortality of silent thoughts ~
Can they capture the essence of truth...
Or mere attempts of engraving life ~

Here I come as the dreamer
wakes to a world of unknown shore
like the sand
in between fingers of drifting sea
I wait for the call to bring those words

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

~ On Hope and Faith ~ 20th.Dec.2011

It is a time to be certain of ourselves to make sense of the world.

To allow any events to have power over our inner tranquility is to toss one's entire being into the hell fire. Strength diminished.
The certainty in self means there can be no space for fear, no matter what the events may be. To have iron will is to not give into failure.

We have often sacrificed our center.. burning in exchange for our faith to injustice. Yet the truth of faith lies within our Creator's will.

To surrender to true strength is to know any event, is a moment to turn.. towards the ultimate truth. There can be no other truth, but God.

While we lose our truth and strength to any external events, we became the very force to move the events forth into power.. Proclaim lost.

Looking in. Is to serene the cause of of all coming. An inescapable responsibility.

There can be no lost course when one's strength resides by bringing the ultimate light. One is already at one with victory on behalf of God.

The world's illusions may have power over us. Yet there is no other way but see through illusions for what it is. Aim for solutions of hope.

The moment we join the world illusions, is the moment we become a part of it's ranch and glory. Remain true, is remain unmoved in adversity.

If we ever loose faith in ourself.. We are the lost course, not the world.
The wakefulness is the only way we can walk through all events in life. With our swords close to our being, our soul remains indestructible.

When one is atoned to one's purest essence, one is swift, tough and fluid, uncaged by overwhelm of any limits from mass human conditions.

One most certainly have to commit to one's own peace before one can be the force in restoring the harmony of any worldly imbalance, or else.

In all of our worldly storms.. We must remain the eye. Remain the heart. Remain the truth of who we really are. It is victory.

There is absolutely no other alternative under God's roof. So we shall not waste more breathe or loose sights to any illusionary obstacles.

When one combats with every external events. one is lost at sea. When one request truth. There is nothing else can return, but truth.

To be justice, one must cease to have belief any injustice can be truth. Hold a heart of diamond core.

Hope is the spark we tirelessly strike, to lit up the darkness. No matter what occurs, one's faith must never be eroded by seeming defeats.

The world will be what it is. We judge our own strength.. by the calm Ocean we master within.

Any dark corner we dismissed within will soon stare right at us.. as the reality.

The only battle one has, is to win over one's own faith. The rest.. is trivial.

However one acts, one shall act accord to truth. Never accord to events.

Any battle is already won when truth is held firmly in heart.

If we are blood thirsty.. our wars within, is unfinished.

Use the mind as sole focus in keeping hearts awake.

Accept nothing, but truth.

                                                                                                               ~ Lyric dreamer ~  20.12.2011.am ~

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