~ Welcome ~

Words ~
The immortality of silent thoughts ~
Can they capture the essence of truth...
Or mere attempts of engraving life ~

Here I come as the dreamer
wakes to a world of unknown shore
like the sand
in between fingers of drifting sea
I wait for the call to bring those words

Saturday, December 31, 2011

* + : Origin ~ the lovebite of God : + *

: Our secret challenge.. to know we can love so much.. We no longer flinch.. even by flam of seething hatred. It's mild heat, compare to love.

: The moment we shift our mind to wholehearted forgiveness.. is the moment our universe reveals us, as we truly are. Innocent, free and whole.

There are likely to be two ways we contain ourself in the world. we either contain ourself with what we witness.. or we contain our origin.

To contain what we see, we either become what we see, or we conflict with what we see. To contain origin is to just be, an unchanging truth.

We are first until we reach later. As we didn't understand what our originality was.. because we were born part of the world, in the world.

I don't personally think there are many of born knowing origin. Mostly it's sought after years of dissatisfying questions on one's own life.

Like the firework display of a Catherine wheel. Our whole life is a sparkling swirls of a centered pint , which was unnoticed through out.

Only when we exhausted ourself chasing each spark of our living details, we reach to a point wanting to understand this invisibility within.

Even while we barely acquaint with this invisibility, it's unflattering nature oppose to our ego can dispel us from it's non-existing charm.

So we lit this inner Catherine Yoyo. Noticing there's center within somewhere, yet throughly enjoy excitement of chasing all casting sparks.

We can become disenchanted to seeming excitements, sometimes confused in why the sparks no longer bewitching us with it's short lived glory.

Often what's left is horrifying darkness that never be filled.. we may even run faster,..to sparks of more and more of whatever we can find.

All this time.. the journeys we took to chase sparks, only showed us that they are not part of us.. and never will. It's a vast loneliness.

Until we start to search within, the seeming dull and uninteresting center that never sparks off any excitements.. yet it ceaselessly stays.

This invisibility.. is the origin, the beginning.

The origin, has no name, no face. But it shares all names, all faces. It's the invisible entirety.. The father of light, mother of darkness.

To behold the origin is to behold the ultimate. The ultimate as the core of all sparks of life. A none attached embrace of living present.

Itself is all life, therefor any one faceted portray means limits. For it is everything we could possibly imagine, and more. Good, and evil.

Ego division is like subtracted detention to what is really soaring the life of ego itself. It is a blindfold to selected truth we perceive.

We feel right, but we are wrong. We have more, but we are less. We are powerful, but we are weak. World is paradoxical perceptions of ego.

This is why we never quite feel our souls launching.. no matter where we seek, what we seek, how we seek.. The answer is always a jeopardy.

Because we can never understand anything outside of us, if what is inside isn't understood. It's always obscured mirrored images of our ego.

When origin is contained. We start to see through different eyes.. We see everything broken, but also whole, destructions are also creation.

We start to wonder about the black and white view that caused us to feel intimidated. We start to let go the focus that created more wrongs.

We start to see the beauty in each and every moment. We realised it was our mind that colours the world we see, changes as we splashes love.

Everything is no longer an effort, but an interesting happening.. Dreams are no longer dreams.. they are dialogues of our whispering hearts.

Instead of questioning another's qualification, we question why don't we believe in our own ability to succeed. We sail.. Instead of strive.

Everyone is effected by the atom components in element of peace.. Everyone is living the moments.. instead of escaping or falling off time.

Everything we have are more than enough, people appreciates life and supports fun. This not a concept, but reality of love.. that we forgot.

When love is no exclusive to relationships and family, love goes everywhere we carry a peaceful heart with. It is a natural state of living.

We feel we are glad we are alive, and we should. Every moment is magic. The magic is you, me, he, she, they, we. Everyone is really magical.

The reason we believed we are not magical, is because we think man-made measures of one other's worth is real..but they are not, not at all.

Those measurements were old texts.. old beliefs.. Sometime ago someone said this. You and I are not someone. We are now.. Happening as life.

When we stop dividing ourselves all over the places, what happens.. We walk around as whole and undivided origin connected to life, as love.

It's a vicious cycle. The more you are an undivided origin as love. The more you spread your perfect germs to everyone around you.. too bad.

Before you know it.. it becomes too difficult to even find a topic to argue about. People are so chilled out.. all smiling at disagreements.

Doesn't that sound like a terrible thing ? How boring.. So here we go. Lets make some troubles.. lets make life a little bit more bearable..

But, thinking about it.. sometimes the talents we put into our troubles.. could actually save thousands and thousands of lives.. somewhere..

Trouble .. talent .. lives .. trouble .. talent .. lives .. wow.. I am alive. I am grateful.

The beautiful painting and the move of timeless songs, enchanting love of all seasons.. everlasting grace of emotions.. that holds us whole.

Love wakes gratitude in heart. Every shades of suffer.. tic of fear.. drop of pain.. are parts of love.. to enrich the true strength it is..

Depth of love is revealed with thorns that cuts.. eternity of love gently weaved by our unchanging faith in heart.. Love, is who we all are.

The moment we release illusions of world.. we return to futile Ocean of love. The beginning of all illusions. Here we know unchanging truth.

The unchanging truth in our presence is with every minute of doubtless love we carry.. Every minute of question-less love we are embodying..

To this, we are deeply in debt to everyone, everything that triggers such deep sense of longing and meaning in our heart.. The way of love..

Every person come to our life is our holy teachers of love. Some show us what we love in ourself, some show us what we never saw in ourself.

One. ,or a few.. take us all the way to the end of world.. without knowing.. as the calling of deep love, doing and undoing all old beliefs.

This one, we have all our life to thank for. Love.. reborn. Free of all illusions of world.. free of fear and lost.. As we love on tenderly.

And everyday : Thank you God, thank you God.. For allowing me to love endlessly. To feel all pain of ego vanishing, still I love faithfully.

As long as love is held in our hearts. We are indestructible, not even to life and death itself. To feel this love.. one is humbled by life.

The illusion of world can cast ambiguity to wishes of knowing love pure. Yet, we understand, through not understand. Know, through not know.

The world is a reflection.. every twinge, every pull, every jump, every cracks in our hearts tell us what our origin is. Where our heart is.

Instead of deep tangling by the seeing drowning us.. We learn to send each of our wishes and thoughts like prayers.. to request, to create..

Religious scripts are collections of faithful followers. Our God.. asks us only to follow love.. through and through.. We are all religious.

So, wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you are, if someone in your heart lights up your world.. you are on God's mission, in heart.

Blessed indeed. More than blessed. You are magically charged with super power to change our world. Thank God for love.. it's infinite gift.

However tempting it is we are to feel deserted, stay with love, stay with faith. You are welcomed by our Creator in every bite back to origin.

Poems of beautiful hearts.. ever lasting dreams of God.

Words of flickering sparks.. mischief of damp woods.. in you go.. to fire of love !

The darkness and light, as one, undivided wholeness.

I mean. How could the world move.. without opposing forces ?

Fear.. took a chunk of our hearts away. Love.. taking nibbles of God and and fire us up in the dances of darkness. Bewildering completeness.

Love and fear are one.. every time we flip the coin.. it spins on.. endless whole.

Hush... Do you hear ? The new year's eve is more than magical.. it is miracle.. We are quietly heading a brand new moment.. Eternity.. ~ *

                                                                                                     Saturday, 31 December 2011 at 11:31

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